• We offer worldwide shipping, with shipping charges automatically calculated at checkout based on your cart's weight and contents.
  • Please refer to the shipping timelines provided for each product. Orders above ₹650 are eligible for COD.
  • For Domestic Shipping

    Clothing : We offer free shipping for orders above Rs.2500. For orders below Rs.2500, a flat shipping fee of Rs.150 is charged for COD orders and Rs.100 for Prepaid orders.

    Fabric :  We offer free shipping for orders above Rs.2500. For orders below Rs.2500, a flat shipping fee of Rs.150 is charged for COD and Prepaid orders

    For international shipping

    We provide free international shipping for orders above Rs.9999
    For orders below Rs.9999, a flat shipping fee of Rs.2500 is charged

    Customs and import duty, if any, will have to be borne by the customer at the time of delivery, if applicable.

  • Kindly note that shipping costs are non-refundable.